Returns a zipper for xml elements (as from xml/parse), given a root element
(def xmlzipper ( (clojure.xml/parse "resources/somedata.xml"))) ;;make a zippper pointing at the children to the topnode in somedata.xml ( xmlzipper)
(require '[ :as z]) ;; The following example make use of an xml-tree ... ;; <root><any>foo bar</any>bar</root> ;; Notice that the xml-parse will not produce the exact ;; xml object as the "foo" and "bar" strings are combined. ;; Travel over the zipper in classic lisp style (z/right (z/down (z/xml-zip {:tag :root :content [{:tag :any :content ["foo" "bar"]} "bar"]}))) ;;=> ["bar" {:l [{:content ["foo" "bar"], :tag :any}], ;;+> :pnodes [{:content [{:content ["foo" "bar"], :tag :any} "bar"], :tag :root}], ;;+> :ppath nil, :r nil}] ;; The above can also be written like this using the thread macro style (->{:tag :root :content [{:tag :any :content ["foo" "bar"]} "bar"]} z/xml-zip z/down z/right) ;;=> ["bar" {:l [{:content ["foo" "bar"], :tag :any}], ;;+> :pnodes [{:content [{:content ["foo" "bar"], :tag :any} "bar"], :tag :root}], ;;+> :ppath nil, :r nil}]
(require '[clojure.xml :as xml] '[ :as zip]) ;; Looking at the whole zipper is usually not the goal. ;; Here is a case where the "bar" element is extracted. ;; The following is derived from the following xml. ;; <root><any>foo</any>bar</root> (->{:tag :root :content [{:tag :any :content ["foo"]} "bar"]} zip/xml-zip zip/down zip/right zip/node) ;;=> "bar" ;; The following shows a slightly larger example including the parser. (def data "<constraint name=\"a\"> <pair name=\"ab\"> <feature name=\"ab1\"> <geom name=\"ab1x\"/> </feature> <feature name=\"ab2\"> <geom name=\"ab2y\"/> </feature> </pair> <pair name=\"ac\"> <feature name=\"ac1\"> <geom name=\"ac1z\"/> </feature> <feature name=\"ac2\"/> </pair> </constraint>" ) ;; Here is an example of the parser in action (def xml-tree (-> data .getBytes xml/parse )) ;; Traversing the xml using a zipper (-> xml-tree zip/xml-zip zip/down zip/down zip/down zip/node ) ;;=> {:tag :geom, :attrs {:name "ab1x"}, :content nil}
Parses and loads the source s, which can be a File, InputStream or String naming a URI. Returns a ...
There are also other libraries for processing xml that provide additional features.